Sunday, November 13, 2011

10 days 10 things - Day Seven

Day seven is about my some of my favorite things.

1. My Husband...I love my hubby is a wonderful man and my best friend. I love spending time with him!

2. Photgraphy...I have alwasy has a passion for pictures. I'm now trying to get more involved and better at photography. So far I'm doing great.

3. Crafts...I love making like cards, invitations, name frames and much more. I haven't really done much lately. Hopefully here soon I can get back into making fun stuff.
This isn't my craft room but maybe someday...LOL

4. TV...I love just sitting around days and watching TV.

5. Camping...I love to go camping with all my friends. This is such a great time and being outside is wonderful

6. Float Trips...In the past few years we have been doing a float trip. These are so much fun! I love it.

7. Spending time w/ family and friends...
This was taken before we did the Crawl for Cancer on 10/15. This was a great time w/ our friends.

8. Traveling...I love to travel and can't wait to do LOTS more of it!

9. BBQ's...When the weather is nice I love having friends or family over for BBQ's. The hubby smokes great meat and is always yummy and of course a great time.

10. Baking...I love to bake but haven't done much of it recently. With the holiday's coming I'm sure there will be more baking in my life.

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