Wednesday, October 3, 2012


 I know it's been awhile since I posted about our house but I have been side tracked and being lazy about blogging. I need to get on it I have lots I want to post about. LOL

After we got all settled with moving in we decided to tackle some little landscaping projects. 
The first project we did was making the tree look nicer under it.

(Before) - We did the tree project over 2 nights during the week. It was still a little warm outside but we sucked it up and got busy making our yard look nice. Well besides the grass that is dead in the pictures. LOL

 (After) - This is how our tree turned out and I just love it. It makes it look so much nicer. I got the solar lights on sale at Target. They aren't super bright at nice but it gives enough off just to show off. :)

(Before) - The next project Shane really wanted done was putting a flag pole in the front. We also knocked this out over a couple nights work throughout the week.

 (After) - Here is our wonderful flag pole. I love it!! It looks so good in front of the house and perfect for the spot we picked to put it. Now we just need to find some spot lights to put up so we don't have to keep taking the flag down every night.

We have one more big project we want tackle in the front and it will be complete. We have decided to wait until the Spring to do this one. So once it's all done and ready to show off I will be posting about it! 

I mentioned that our grass was dead in these pictures...Well I'm pleased to say that our grass has come back nicely in most spots and is green. We did decide to seed the yard this fall to hopefully get all the brown patches gone and everything green! Sunday we seeded the backyard and tonight we did the front yard and put the fertilizer down all over, so now we just need to start watering it and hope it grows nicely. LOL Wish us luck on our first try ever to grow grass. Haha!

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