Saturday, March 2, 2013

Round 2 of the Snow

I just posted not even a week ago about our snowstorm. We got hit with about 10 inches of snow the first round on Thurs Feb 21st and then they started calling for another storm starting Monday night the 25th. They said this storm could be worse then the first one! Really worse we didn't need more snow, we hadn't even got rid of the snow from the prior week. They kept changing the time of when the storm was going to start, when I went to bed Monday night it still wasn't snowing. I kept an opened mind with this storm b/c with the first one I thought they were making a bigger deal then what was coming but I was wrong on that front.
I woke up Tuesday morning to more SNOW! I woke Shane up and told him it was his call if he wanted to chance going to work or just working from home that day. We walked downstairs and opened the front door and he said "Ummm No we aren't going to work today". So, we both worked from home Tuesday and decided to stay in which was good b/c we couldn't even get on our road b/c of all the snow on it. We couldn't even see our street when we looked out the front door. It was just a white mess out there. So, we got about another 10 inches of snow with the 2nd storm as well. It just crazy looking outside or driving and just seeing so much snow. I don't even remember when the last time we had this much snow was. 

This is how much snow was on the arm of rocking chair outside. 
 The snow is very pretty don't get me wrong and I love taking pictures of it. But, when I have to dig my way out of the driveway and go out in it then I would prefer for it to go away. LOL 
This is our tree in the backyard.
Up close of the snow on the branches.
 The tree in the front yard. Right behind the tree is a half cul-de-sac but obviously you can't see it! 
 See told you no seeing a road or driveway. Crazy!

 This was our mountain of snow after shoveling half the driveway. This was from the first storm and this one. It's never going to melt! LOL 

They didn't come clear our road till about 8:00 pm that night, it's a good thing they did our we could have got stuck again on the road going to work the next day. 

We got our snow this winter now I'm ready for it to melt and bring on Spring!! 

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