Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend Recap

I hope everyone had a good weekend. My weekend was good but when my alarm went off today I was thinking can't today be Sunday again so I can sleep. No such luck on that. Boo!

Here's a little recap of the weekend:

Friday: After work we ran to the mall so I could pick up a new book to start. Then I needed to get my ring cleaned and my bracelet cleaned and inspected it was WAY over due for the inspection. But I wasn't worried because it was in good shape and nothing wrong. After the mall we headed home to spend the evening there. I had some picture editing to do so I worked on those for a little while then we watched some TV shows.

Saturday: Shane woke up and headed out to do some rock climbing and disc golf with a buddy. I slept in a little then got up and started some laundry, watched a show then finished editing a shoot so I could mail it out today. My little sister's prom was Saturday. I meet her at her house about 2pm so we could meet everyone and go take pictures before they headed out for dinner. She looked so pretty for Prom and we took lots of pictures. Stayed turned they will be shared soon! After she left for prom I headed to a friends house to have some girl time. We went to dinner at 54th Street and then just hung out at her house. It was a nice evening hanging with a friend. I enjoy those times. :)

Sunday: Sunday is our grocery shopping day, we like to wake up and head out to get it done. After we got that done we just came home and was lazy around the house all day long. It was raining and gloomy out so it was a great day for being lazy. I did finish up our laundry but other then that nothing was done. :)

So this weekend I came to a conclusion that I REALLY NEED to get back to working out and eating better. I relized after my sisters prom and seeing a picture of me I'm really not happy with my body right now. So, the only way to change that is getting back to working out and eating better. I know can I do it I just need to forcus and force myself to stick to it. The past few weeks I haven't been that good and I haven't really cared. But now I care and starting today after work I will be back to w orking out!

I hope everyone has a great work week.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Final Graduation Invite....

I have been busy lately with making lots of graduation invites and announcements. It's crazy that there are so many people I know graduating this year. I have enjoyed helping everyone out with invites and making them. 
The last invite that I did was for a good friend that is graduating college on May 12th. I whipped these babies out in just a few days. Well they were pretty easy to do and she only need 20 of them so it really wasn't that hard. ;) 

Here is the invites that I made for her graduation dinner party....

Now that I'm done working on all the invites/announcements now I get to attend all the parties and celebrate this wonderful time with all my friends and family!! I can't wait. I look forward to sharing the pictures with everyone! 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Arkansas Trip Part I

I'm a little behind on posting some pictures from our trip to Arkansas, but better late then never, right?! The second weekend in April Shane and I and another couple decided to take a little trip down to Mt. Judea, Arkansas a place called Sam's Throne for a rock climbing trip. Shane and his friend love rock climbing! They went down last year and said it was awesome, so this year the wives decided to go along and check it out. :) We headed out Thursday April 12th that morning and got down there around 5pm. We got camp set up and walked down to look at the scenery and it was amazing. It was so peaceful down there and I really enjoyed this trip. 

Here are some pictures from the scenery down there. 

I have more pictures to post of all of us rock climbing. Those will be posted soon so stay tuned! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

More Graduation Announcements/Invites....

My little sister will graduating high school on May 20th. I still can't believe this! I can't believe she is all grown up and ready to get in the real world. LOL

I had told her that I would make her announcements and invites for her. So I have been working hard on getting them done so we can send them out the beginning of May. I just finished them last week and they turned out super cute!

Announcement outside and Grad Party Invite
Inside of the announcement

I have one graduation invite to finish this week and all graduation stuff will be made and done!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekend Recap

It's another fun filled Monday starting the work week. It just seems to come so fast anymore!
I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Our weekend was pretty good some points were busy but we did get some relaxing in so that is always nice.

Friday: After work we meet up with a friend for happy hour had dinner and some drinks. It was nice we haven't hung out with him in a while so it was time to caught up. After dinner we headed home and spent the rest of the evening watching shows on the couch.

Saturday: Shane had to work from 9-3pm but lucky he gets to work from home. When I got up I had a few things I wanted to get done. I made a sample graduation invite for a friend and got some of the card stock cut so I can finish them this week. I also cleaned our bedroom and bathroom upstairs. It was in bad need of a cleaning! After my few chores we just relaxed on the on couch till Shane was off work. I just got my gift card for Texas Roadhouse in the mail so we decided that was a good place for us to have dinner. It was so yummy!! After dinner we headed to the store since we couldn't do it on our normal day Sunday. After the store we just went home hung out had some drinks and watched shows! It was a nice evening in.

Sunday: I had 2 photo shoots booked. The first one starting at 11am and the 2nd was at 2pm. So I was pretty much out and about all afternoon. I got home around 4pm and we needed to figure out dinner for that night. We decided to eat out since I was going to be busy all day I wasn't going to feel up for cooking. We decided to eat at Pepperjax's, Yum! We brought dinner back home and hung out there and watched shows the rest of the evening. I need relaxing after my shoots and all the walking I did. :) I had a good time though and can't wait to get the pictures up to share.

Now starts another work week! Have a great one!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Washer & Dryer!!

A few months ago our dryer at home went out, bummer tell me about! We both agreed to wait to buy a new washer/dryer until we bought a house. So I just have been doing washing clothes at home then running to the laundry mat to dry them. It was a pain but we needed clean clothes.

Monday after our weekend vacation to Arkansas, we had to do a bunch of laundry! We had to wash all our clothes and bedding from camping for 3 days, plus the clothes from the work week. I would said we had about 7 or so loads to do. So I got it all washed at home and ready to head to the laundry mat. The only thing we couldn't wash at home was our comforters so we had to wash & dry them there. As we are getting ready to leave Shane says this is a lot of laundry. LOL you think?! We started talking about buying a new washer/dryer set now. He was like you know either way we go I will have to move a washer/dryer when we move weather it be the old set or a new set. Good point! We also have been talking about getting a moving company to move our big stuff so we don't have too. So if we go that route he wouldn't have to move it anyways. When I brought that up he was like I never thought of that...Let's go shopping. LOL
So we went ahead and did the laundry we needed at the laundry mat then we headed out and went shopping for a new washer/dryer set.

We looked at NFM, Best Buy and Sears to price sets and check out the different brands and options on them. After about a couple hours of shopping we finally decided on the brand we wanted and headed back to Best Buy to purchase them they were cheapest there! We got a really good deal and a really nice front loading washer/dryer set. I'm super excited about these!

These will be arriving this afternoon! I do have some laundry to do tonight and I'm very excited to do it!

This is our 2nd big purchase since we got married!! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Arkansas Trip

This year we aren't taking a big vacation,since we are working towards buying a house. So instead we decided to do a couple little trips. One trip is coming now we are leaving in Thursday morning. We are heading down to Mt. Judea, Arkansas for a rock climbing trip. My hubby loves to rock climb and he has a buddy that loves it as well. So we are all packing up and heading down and will be back on Sunday sometime. 
I'm really excited for this trip just to be able to get away from everything and enjoy myself. I'm looking forward to taking a lot of pictures of the boys climbing and seeing my honey in action. I have never seen him rock climb so this will be fun for me! Lots of pictures to come. 

The place they are climbing at is called Sam's Throne. It looks really cool down there with all the nice scenery that I have seen online. Shane and his buddy went down there last year and he showed me some pictures from then. It looks like a good place for me to take some good and fun pictures! I'm looking forward to it. :) 

I won't be posting for a few days since we will be out of town and having a good time. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Graduation Invites

For the last week I have been working graduation invites for Shane's sister. She is graduating from college on May 5th. She had asked me to do these and I was very happy to help her out with planning her party. So I got busy because I wanted to have these done before out vacation this week, I needed to make 60 of these bad boys. I worked on them every night and finally finished them up Wednesday night. 
I think they turned out really cute!

I can't believe she is already graduating from college I feel like she just finished high school. Oh how the time  flies! I'm very proud of her and can't wait to celebrate this special day with her! 

Book: True Blood "Living Dead In Dallas"

I finished book 1 of True Blood this week. I went and got book #2 on Monday night!
I really enjoyed the first book it was so good and lots of details WOW! But LOVED it! I can't wait to finish this series.
I started book 2 on Monday and I'm working my way through it. I'm very pleased with this series so far. I have been reading at work on my breaks and lunchtime so that helps with getting through my books faster. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekend Recap

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a good Easter Sunday!
It was such a nice weekend to enjoy being outside and great weather for the Easter bunny to leave it's eggs outside for the kidos to go find!

The weekends seem to always just fly on by and then it's back to work. I love my weekends and wish they would last longer. :)

Here's a recap of our weekend....

Friday night we has some friends over. We went out to dinner at Pepperjax Grill, I love this place they have the best philly's! Then we headed back to our place, hung out and played some cards Phase 10. It was good evening. I enjoy hanging out with our friends. :)

Saturday we tackled organizing stuff in the basement. It took a fews hours but we got rid of 3 boxes of stuff, 2 were just trash and 1 we will take to goodwill. We had to run to the store after that and get stuff for dinner that evening. When we got home I worked on some graduation stuff then got ready and our friends came over. We grilled out steaks and they were so yummy then we hung out and we played Phase 10 with them as well. That game is fun! It's long but it's fun.

Sunday we got up and went grocery shopping. This is our Sunday routine all the time. We like to get right up and get to the store so it isn't so busy and it's done and we have the rest of our day. After the store I went up North to take my brother driving. When I got home Shane headed out to go climbing at Swope with his buddy. They are getting ready for the climbing trip this week! I worked on graduation stuff while he was gone and did laundry. When he got back I ran to the laundry mat to dry our clothes. Our dryer broke on us a few months ago. We decided not to buy new ones till we got into a house. I want really brand new nice ones, I really want to the front loading one! We grilled out steak again for dinner, it was so yummy. Then the rest of the evening we watched our recorded shows to try and get caught up on some.

It was a pretty good weekend for us. Now back to work for 3 days this week then we are heading out Thursday morning to Arkansas.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

I hope everyone has a great Easter Sunday! Hope the Easter Bunny left lots of goodies for all kidos out there! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Photo Shoot: Dusty Class of 2012

Back on March 24th I had the chance to do a senior photo shoot. A friend of mine had asked me awhile ago to do these but they just weren't sure when they wanted them done. So finally he will be graduating in a few months so it was time to get the pictures done. 
He is graduating from Blue Springs High School. We headed out around 5pm on that Saturday and went all around Blue Springs taking lots and lots of pictures. I had such a great time doing these and I learned about some fun new spots in Blue Springs to take pictures. :)

It see more from this shoot please visit my Facebook Page

Thursday, April 5, 2012

One Tree Hill....

So my favorite show EVER is One Tree Hill. I have watched this show since it started back in 2003 and last night was the final episode ever. I know it's just a show but I'm very upset and sad about this. I love this show so much and to see it go makes me sad. I will miss watching this show every week and waiting for the next one in suspense. LOL 

As I was watching the last show I just couldn't believe it's was finally coming to an end after 9 years of being on the air. This show has come so far in the 9 yrs and I'm going to miss it.

I just wanted to vent a little about how upsetting this is to me that my favorite show ever is actually ending. Yes Yes again I know it's a show but it's been a part of me for 9yrs and I can't believe I it won't be on anymore. I think I might start watching it from season 1 again just to look back and see them again. I have season 1-5 at home so I need work on buying the last 4 seasons.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

2012 Goal Update....

Hope everyone is having a great year so far...Since we are now into April...I thought I would give an update on my goals for this year and see how they are coming along.
  • Organize the House  - This has been good process. The only thing left that really needs to be organized is the basement and we are going to tackle that this Saturday. Our place is pretty much organized as much as it can be until we move.  

  • Eat Better & Work-out  - This is definitely on the right track. During the week we have been planning good meals to eat. The weekends we are a little more easy on our self with what we eat. But I'm good with how the eating better is turning out. I feel so much better and I can definitely tell a difference in some areas of my body. Working out is going good as well. I try and work out at least 3 times a week if not more. I have been doing a lot of walking lately since this weather has been great! I have been also doing cardio and an ab work out.

  • Organize all photos into Photo Books - I have finished all of our photo books and got them ordered. I have a 2012 book started and have been keeping it up to date as I add pictures. The only book I haven't started is for our wedding. This will take much needed time and I'm not ready to start this yet. I would say this goal is now complete! Yay!

  • Build up our savings account  - This is coming along awesome! Our savings is almost to our goal amount and we are only into April. We are for sure going to have more in our saving then we thought and we are both very excited about this!

  • Buy a House - As I mentioned in my post yesterday, this process is moving right along. We are a little far out to start looking now so we will start the looking process in June. I'm so excited and can't wait!

  • Continue pursuing Photography  - This is still a little slow but hopefully now with the weather is nice get more business. Since January I have only had 3 shoots. This month I have 3 to do so far. Well 4 if you count our trip to Arkansas to take pictures of my Shane and his buddy rock climbing (but of course I won't make any money off this). But it will be a good time and I can't wait!

  • Reading - This is going along great. I have a read more books so far this year then I have in my entire life. LOL I'm really enjoying my reading and look forward to continuing it. I just started the True Blood Series and I'm almost done with the first book. I'm very happy about how much ready I have done so far this year and look forward to much more.
I'm very happy with my goals I set this year and very pleased to see how much I have accomplished on them! This usually never happens. I have to say I'm proud of myself. :) The way it's going I may have to set more for myself b/c I will be out of goals. LOL

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

House Stuff...

Can you believe that it's already April!! This year just seems to be flying by.
I just wanted to post an update on how our house buying is going.

Shane and I sit down and talked about our budget and came up with the amount we both feel comfortable spending each month on a mortgage payment. We didn't want to spend ALL our extra money on a mortgage because we still want to be able to vacation every year and put money in our savings. So the number we came up with I think will be good and we will have a nice house.

Last week we did the application for our pre-approval. We both were very nervous about this. It's such a big amount of money to have. LOL. We got the pre-approval letter and we are good to go. Shane also got approved for a VA loan so that will help out as well. :)

We have been looking a lot online to get an idea of what we like and what we can get in our price range. We both are so excited to get into a house and we can't wait to start looking in person. We have found a lot we like online but of course pictures never show the best of the house so we are looking forward to going in person. We are getting very excited to start the looking process. Our lease isn't up till August so we won't start looking for our house till prolly June.

A couple weeks ago when we were grocery shopping we decided to stop off in the paint area and look at the different colors. We actually got a few samples we both liked and brought home to see what we liked best with our furniture. So we kinda have some paint colors picked out for just the living room, dining area and master bedroom we would like. I'm actually really excited to paint so our house it will be what we love and not just plain white. :)

This is where we stand as of right now with the house hunting. I will keep you updated through the process. :)