Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Photography Assignment: Joys of Childhood

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope every ones week started out great. My week started out slow...I was so wore out from the weekend and had no energy to focus on anything. Today is a little better so hopefully the rest of the week will be good.
Over the weekend our Photography assignment was shooting "The Joys of Childhood". This assignment was perfect for my weekend b/c I was spent Saturday around kids all day long. We went to Chuck-E-Cheese for my nephews 5th birthday party....I took lots of pictures (will post later this week). Then after that we had another friends birthday party and there were 3 babies there! I love taking pictures of babies they are so fun!
So with all the pictures I had taken over the weekend of children the one that I had to submit for this assignment was just so adorable!

                                         This is Harper and her smile in this picture was just amazing!
This is a great picture for this assignment. Capturing baby smiles are priceless and will always be a joy to look back on!

Our Challenge for the weekend was shooting "Shoes" stay tuned for that post.

Also I will be posting pictures from our funfilled weekend so be on the look out for those.


  1. Absolutely love this picture! We finally got Harper's smile on camera, I have tried so many times unsuccessfully!

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